
Showing posts from February, 2020

Blog 7

This week my main focus to create my character in my game. The character is a green square shaped object. I took some screenshots of it. Also I'm working on the properties of the character. I been learning how to code in Godot's language its very different from Java what I'm used to. Next step would be getting my characters moving. I included some Godot codes screenshots also.

Blog 6

As I progressed in my Android Studio journey I found that the speed was terrible. So I cleaned my C drive about 7 gigs cleaned out. I was still having problems so did some research. To run Android Studio you need at least Intel iCore 5 to process everything also need 8 gigs of ram for temporary storage on top of that SSD is necessary to keep permanent files. To run things more smoothly a good graphic card is highly recommend. My laptop currently meets none of the requirements as it has a 2 gigs of ram Intel Celeron( not even iCore 3) and HDD. After talking and surrounding myself with other software engineers they recommended that I try an install a game development program called Godot its only requirement is that it needs about 4 gigs of ram. Godot is free 2D and 3D game developing program that's open to the pubic. My best option would be to run Godot on my computer and find out.

Blog 5

Android Studios is up and ready on laptop but one thing is that its a lags a lot. My C drive is pretty full so i need to make some space on it. I decided that i want to do a game application. The app would take a picture and  the other person would try to guess what the picture is and they would use a keyboard to type in an answer. So far I been watching a lot of tutorials on how to use Android Studios on YouTube.  

Blog 4

After meeting with Professor Frisby last Thursday I've decided that this semester I want to dive a little deeper and go into app development. Currently I'm taking CSC 205 which is object oriented programming and feel more comfortable in development. The application would be specifically for androids phones and could be available in Google Play Store. Right now I'm brainstorming ideas for what the app would do I was thinking about a simple game or something that would help make life easier for people. Right now the first step is downloading Android Studios on my computer. In my next Blog I'll be going more in depths.