Protein Lab

 Abinezer Abebe

STEAM Program


Conserved domain found in cupin and related proteins

A diverse protein domains superfamily which includes both metal-dependent and metal-independent enzymes, as well as catalytically inactive seed storage proteins


My protein is UniprotiP09923 ALPL(1x) also known as Intestinal-type alkaline phosphatase one of the most used database. No considered domain for this specific protein so I used the default.


My first result was Homo Sapiens Chromosomes 2 and I choose that data because it was most relevant.


LOCUS       NC_000002          242193529 bp    DNA     linear   CON 17-AUG-2020

DEFINITION  Homo sapiens chromosome 2, GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly.


VERSION     NC_000002.12

DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA168

            Assembly: GCF_000001405.39


SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)

  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens

            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;

            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;

            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.

REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 242193529)

  AUTHORS   Hillier,L.W., Graves,T.A., Fulton,R.S., Fulton,L.A., Pepin,K.H.,

            Minx,P., Wagner-McPherson,C., Layman,D., Wylie,K., Sekhon,M.,

            Becker,M.C., Fewell,G.A., Delehaunty,K.D., Miner,T.L., Nash,W.E.,

            Kremitzki,C., Oddy,L., Du,H., Sun,H., Bradshaw-Cordum,H., Ali,J.,

            Carter,J., Cordes,M., Harris,A., Isak,A., van Brunt,A., Nguyen,C.,

            Du,F., Courtney,L., Kalicki,J., Ozersky,P., Abbott,S.,

            Armstrong,J., Belter,E.A., Caruso,L., Cedroni,M., Cotton,M.,

            Davidson,T., Desai,A., Elliott,G., Erb,T., Fronick,C., Gaige,T.,

            Haakenson,W., Haglund,K., Holmes,A., Harkins,R., Kim,K.,

            Kruchowski,S.S., Strong,C.M., Grewal,N., Goyea,E., Hou,S., Levy,A.,

            Martinka,S., Mead,K., McLellan,M.D., Meyer,R., Randall-Maher,J.,

            Tomlinson,C., Dauphin-Kohlberg,S., Kozlowicz-Reilly,A., Shah,N.,

            Swearengen-Shahid,S., Snider,J., Strong,J.T., Thompson,J.,

            Yoakum,M., Leonard,S., Pearman,C., Trani,L., Radionenko,M.,

            Waligorski,J.E., Wang,C., Rock,S.M., Tin-Wollam,A.M., Maupin,R.,

            Latreille,P., Wendl,M.C., Yang,S.P., Pohl,C., Wallis,J.W.,

            Spieth,J., Bieri,T.A., Berkowicz,N., Nelson,J.O., Osborne,J.,

            Ding,L., Meyer,R., Sabo,A., Shotland,Y., Sinha,P., Wohldmann,P.E.,

            Cook,L.L., Hickenbotham,M.T., Eldred,J., Williams,D., Jones,T.A.,

            She,X., Ciccarelli,F.D., Izaurralde,E., Taylor,J., Schmutz,J.,

            Myers,R.M., Cox,D.R., Huang,X., McPherson,J.D., Mardis,E.R.,

            Clifton,S.W., Warren,W.C., Chinwalla,A.T., Eddy,S.R., Marra,M.A.,

            Ovcharenko,I., Furey,T.S., Miller,W., Eichler,E.E., Bork,P.,

            Suyama,M., Torrents,D., Waterston,R.H. and Wilson,R.K.

  TITLE     Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes

            2 and 4

  JOURNAL   Nature 434 (7034), 724-731 (2005)

   PUBMED   15815621

REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 242193529)

  CONSRTM   International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium

  TITLE     Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

  JOURNAL   Nature 431 (7011), 931-945 (2004)

   PUBMED   15496913

REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 242193529)

  AUTHORS   Lander,E.S., Linton,L.M., Birren,B., Nusbaum,C., Zody,M.C.,

            Baldwin,J., Devon,K., Dewar,K., Doyle,M., FitzHugh,W., Funke,R.,

            Gage,D., Harris,K., Heaford,A., Howland,J., Kann,L., Lehoczky,J.,

            LeVine,R., McEwan,P., McKernan,K., Meldrim,J., Mesirov,J.P.,

            Miranda,C., Morris,W., Naylor,J., Raymond,C., Rosetti,M.,

            Santos,R., Sheridan,A., Sougnez,C., Stange-Thomann,N.,

            Stojanovic,N., Subramanian,A., Wyman,D., Rogers,J., Sulston,J.,

            Ainscough,R., Beck,S., Bentley,D., Burton,J., Clee,C., Carter,N.,

            Coulson,A., Deadman,R., Deloukas,P., Dunham,A., Dunham,I.,

            Durbin,R., French,L., Grafham,D., Gregory,S., Hubbard,T.,

            Humphray,S., Hunt,A., Jones,M., Lloyd,C., McMurray,A., Matthews,L.,

            Mercer,S., Milne,S., Mullikin,J.C., Mungall,A., Plumb,R., Ross,M.,

            Shownkeen,R., Sims,S., Waterston,R.H., Wilson,R.K., Hillier,L.W.,

            McPherson,J.D., Marra,M.A., Mardis,E.R., Fulton,L.A.,

            Chinwalla,A.T., Pepin,K.H., Gish,W.R., Chissoe,S.L., Wendl,M.C.,

            Delehaunty,K.D., Miner,T.L., Delehaunty,A., Kramer,J.B., Cook,L.L.,

            Fulton,R.S., Johnson,D.L., Minx,P.J., Clifton,S.W., Hawkins,T.,

            Branscomb,E., Predki,P., Richardson,P., Wenning,S., Slezak,T.,

            Doggett,N., Cheng,J.F., Olsen,A., Lucas,S., Elkin,C.,

            Uberbacher,E., Frazier,M., Gibbs,R.A., Muzny,D.M., Scherer,S.E.,

            Bouck,J.B., Sodergren,E.J., Worley,K.C., Rives,C.M., Gorrell,J.H.,

            Metzker,M.L., Naylor,S.L., Kucherlapati,R.S., Nelson,D.L.,

            Weinstock,G.M., Sakaki,Y., Fujiyama,A., Hattori,M., Yada,T.,

            Toyoda,A., Itoh,T., Kawagoe,C., Watanabe,H., Totoki,Y., Taylor,T.,

            Weissenbach,J., Heilig,R., Saurin,W., Artiguenave,F., Brottier,P.,

            Bruls,T., Pelletier,E., Robert,C., Wincker,P., Smith,D.R.,

            Doucette-Stamm,L., Rubenfield,M., Weinstock,K., Lee,H.M.,

            Dubois,J., Rosenthal,A., Platzer,M., Nyakatura,G., Taudien,S.,

            Rump,A., Yang,H., Yu,J., Wang,J., Huang,G., Gu,J., Hood,L.,

            Rowen,L., Madan,A., Qin,S., Davis,R.W., Federspiel,N.A.,

            Abola,A.P., Proctor,M.J., Myers,R.M., Schmutz,J., Dickson,M.,

            Grimwood,J., Cox,D.R., Olson,M.V., Kaul,R., Raymond,C., Shimizu,N.,

            Kawasaki,K., Minoshima,S., Evans,G.A., Athanasiou,M., Schultz,R.,

            Roe,B.A., Chen,F., Pan,H., Ramser,J., Lehrach,H., Reinhardt,R.,

            McCombie,W.R., de la Bastide,M., Dedhia,N., Blocker,H.,

            Hornischer,K., Nordsiek,G., Agarwala,R., Aravind,L., Bailey,J.A.,

            Bateman,A., Batzoglou,S., Birney,E., Bork,P., Brown,D.G.,

            Burge,C.B., Cerutti,L., Chen,H.C., Church,D., Clamp,M.,

            Copley,R.R., Doerks,T., Eddy,S.R., Eichler,E.E., Furey,T.S.,

            Galagan,J., Gilbert,J.G., Harmon,C., Hayashizaki,Y., Haussler,D.,

            Hermjakob,H., Hokamp,K., Jang,W., Johnson,L.S., Jones,T.A.,

            Kasif,S., Kaspryzk,A., Kennedy,S., Kent,W.J., Kitts,P.,

            Koonin,E.V., Korf,I., Kulp,D., Lancet,D., Lowe,T.M., McLysaght,A.,

            Mikkelsen,T., Moran,J.V., Mulder,N., Pollara,V.J., Ponting,C.P.,

            Schuler,G., Schultz,J., Slater,G., Smit,A.F., Stupka,E.,

            Szustakowski,J., Thierry-Mieg,D., Thierry-Mieg,J., Wagner,L.,

            Wallis,J., Wheeler,R., Williams,A., Wolf,Y.I., Wolfe,K.H.,

            Yang,S.P., Yeh,R.F., Collins,F., Guyer,M.S., Peterson,J.,

            Felsenfeld,A., Wetterstrand,K.A., Patrinos,A., Morgan,M.J., de

            Jong,P., Catanese,J.J., Osoegawa,K., Shizuya,H., Choi,S. and


  CONSRTM   International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium

  TITLE     Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome

  JOURNAL   Nature 409 (6822), 860-921 (2001)

   PUBMED   11237011

  REMARK    Erratum:[Nature 2001 Aug 2;412(6846):565]

COMMENT     REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence is identical to


            On Feb 3, 2014 this sequence version replaced NC_000002.11.

            Assembly Name: GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly

            The DNA sequence is composed of genomic sequence, primarily

            finished clones that were sequenced as part of the Human Genome

            Project. PCR products and WGS shotgun sequence have been added

            where necessary to fill gaps or correct errors. All such additions

            are manually curated by GRC staff. For more information see:




            Annotation Provider         :: NCBI

            Annotation Status           :: Updated annotation

            Annotation Name             :: Homo sapiens Updated Annotation

                                           Release 109.20200815

            Annotation Version          :: 109.20200815

            Annotation Pipeline         :: NCBI eukaryotic genome annotation


            Annotation Software Version :: 8.5

            Annotation Method           :: Best-placed RefSeq; propagated

                                           RefSeq model

            Features Annotated          :: Gene; mRNA; CDS; ncRNA


FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers

     source          1..242193529

                     /organism="Homo sapiens"

                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"



CONTIG      join(gap(10000),NT_005334.17:1..16135119,gap(1000),







1.    Between the two database I searched for there was massive difference in how the data was displayed and gathered. The second resource had way better modules to help display and project the data of my protein.




After adjusting my parameters for a blast I couldn’t find the “graphic summary” button.




My result after running default primers.


  1. Hello,

    It looks as if you couldn't make any primers form the blast results?



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