Data Visualization with R Ch1

Abinezer Abebe


Data Preparation 

This semester we will be working on R. R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation calculation and graphical display. R was inherently made for statistical computing and graphics of data and very similar to the S language. Which means code written in S can run syntax free in R. R provides a wide range of statistical linear and nonlinear modeling. Often used as the choice in statically methodology. It was very simple and easy components such as mathematical symbols and formulae. R is a great design choice for a user to retain control. R runs on wide range of operating systems like Linux platforms FreeBSD Windows MacOS. This week I worked on getting my R IDE configurated and ready to take in data. The R environment is very effective at data handling and storage facility. Operators for calculations on an array or matrices is possible in R. R has coherent integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis. R also can display data analysis in a well developed way. The R language also contains many of the fundamental cores of software languages like "Loops" ,"Conditionals" and recursive functions. R has many capabilities an important one is connection with C programming language. The ability to link code with C and C++ also make it very useful to manipulate code such as use R objects using C. R can easily be extended and used properly.

 I installed all the R packages needed to execute and run our code in the R studio console window. Cleaning data is very time consuming “dplyr” and “tidyr”  packages are quick and easy to learn.  We used a data set from the Starwars universe which had 87 characters and 13 variables. We used the select function to limit our variables name, height, gender we used (and) “&”Logical operators and the (or) “ | ”Logical operator to combine a dataset. Also created functions that can calculate the height and mass of the characters in The Starwars Universe data set. Then we used if else statements to return Boolean strings to determine if a character was tall or short.



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