Computer Science Programming Language Blog 3
Abinezer Abebe
Week 3
Computer Based Programming Languages Research
Most video games are made from custom code based on the C programming language. Game programming requires substantial skill in software engineering. There are 7 phases a program goes through before the game is published. The first and important is prototyping. The programmer might write down some ideas and figure out the game plans and how the game would work. Is the game going to be multiplayer is the game going to be online ? The programmer would come up a concept. Next step would be the game design. Here the programmer might Collab with others to deign the characters the game scene. Programmers often follow closely the game design that they have set. As they code every line of the program they capabilities are discovered and exploited. During production the programmer may create a great deal of source code to create his game. They also might use free open source code software packages in the IDE environment to apply their logic. When writing code for an idea they must to apply every little detail including color shapes sizes obstacles enemies. The programmer may work along an art 2D designer to create the this.
Testing phase is preformed by professional game testers first. They make sure the levels are understandable for the average user. From the beginning of creating this game the programmer has to keep the user in mind at all times. The first alpha or beta version of the game would come out for a few thousands for more testing. The programmer would fix any bugs and errors that were discovered. Now that the video game program is near completion is polishing the game before its goes public. This would include minor to catastrophic last minute problems that would arise during the last minute. After completion the game has been sent to the publisher for public release. Lastly importance is Maintenance programmers wait to see if any more bugs may come up. If any bugs are found the programmer would get a patch ready and may include a few more updates also.
Cool topic, interesting to see the steps of game design and how a programmer works along side others. Are you interested in game design? How does learning about this topic help you?
ReplyDeleteTry and find some scholarly articles or reviews that talk about this stuff too. Would be interesting see that information as well.