
Computer Science Programming Blog 9

   Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 8                                                                  Computer Based Research One of the biggest growing fields in Computer Science is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence is different from basic programs because you aren't the one solving the problem but the computer itself. Artificial Intelligence uses Machine learning software's to fed to the computer this way the computer is "learning". For example a computer can detect images and identify and name the object. For this to work programmers would fed the computer countless pictures of what a dog is considered. Based of those pics you can test the computers knowledge and ask it if a picture is a dog or not. Also there are 5th Generation computer languages these vary from 3rd and 4th gen. In 3rd Generation languages the user is working with a programming language that isn't low level 0 and 1 code it has easier usability and has more key wo

Computer Science Programming Blog 8

  Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 8                                                                  Computer Based Research Frontend programmers and Backend programmers are big position roles in the tech filed. Frontend usually specializes in web language's like HTML , CSS and JavaScript While Backend programmers use more like Ruby , Python or Pearl. Front programmers work on projects that the user will interact with. They create user friendly webpages and visuals that users will be assisting the user in a task. A backend programmer creates his projects on servers or might be in charge of maintaining the website from the source code ensuring the front end operations are running up to date and smoothly. A Full stack developer is a computer programmer that can execute both roles. A Full stack work is mostly backend work but can easily can go back and fourth and transition. They can manipulate code to see how the code would look on both ends. Programmers always work together on both ends

Computer Science Programming Blog 7

  Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 7                                                                  Computer Based Research The Internet affects out lives everyday in so many ways. When the Internet first came out on January 1983 it completely revolutionized the world. Tim Berners-Lee was the mastermind behind the creation of the internet. His idea of building a tool to interconnect networks from around the world was the base foundation. In 1990 Commercial Internet service providers emerged. The first and most popular in the US back then was called "The World" it was a very slow dial up connection. The world being the first ISP did have some controversy and military's and universities seen it as a open threat and blocked it on there connections. The web browser created by Berners-Lee called the WorldWideWeb now named Nexus was the most popular search engine but a group of students at University of Illinois led by Marc Andreessen created a new web browser called Netscape and ma

Computer Science Programming Blog 6

  Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 6                                                                         Computer Based Research The first computers were made in 1985 by Microsoft Corporations. The Operating system Microsoft used was called windows. Computers chips were already being used in many households then for circuit related tasks but the demand for a personal use computer was starting to slowly grow. People would use early computers for calculations and talk to others on a small base network. As GUI became more user friendly the popularity started to sore but some newcomers it was still very difficult learning all the commands and start up modules. The Computer market game completely changed again on April 1993 when the internet came out. The Internet was a way to connect everyone to each other from all over the world. Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee released the source code for the worlds first web browser and it became know as the World Wide Web. The Macintosh also know as

Computer Science Programming Blog 5

Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 5                                                                Computer Based Research   Computers use an electrical signals that are on or off also known as 1s and 0s. Every kind of data sent to the computer are eventually converted into 0s and 1s. Binary is a two digit system that writes in 1s and 0s. To convert a number into binary number start with the integer and divide it by 2 keep notice of the quotient and the remainder. Repeat this process until the quotient is equal to 0. The digits then are used to store data inside the computer. The reason computers use Binary is for hardware and law of physics. Inside your computer is electrical signals. In the first era of computers the signals were much harder to measure and they used an on and off systems. The on state would be represented with an negative charge and off state represented with a positive charge. Why don't computers use a decimal system instead of Binary. Binary is way more efficient comp

Computer Science Programming Blog 4

Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 4                                                           Computer Based Research   Early Computer developers wanted a way for the user to interact with the computer in a easy way. A way which would make it easier for the user to carry out tasks. This is where GUI's come in. A GUI is a graphical user interface which lets the user use windows icons and menus to carry out tasks like opening , deleting and moving program files. Keyboards and mouse were also used as shortcuts to get to another program to program. The mouse has an input device that allows you to control the coordination and movement using a pointer. The mouse GUI uses multiple of sensors for accuracy. The CMOS sensor will transmit 18 million instructions per a second and the mouse program is able to determine based on the sequence pattern to see how far the cursor has moved. This whole process happens so fast hundred times each second making it seem like a smooth process. The computer keyboa

Computer Science Programming Language Blog 3

Abinezer Abebe STEM  Week 3                                       Computer Based Programming Languages Research   Most video games are made from custom code based on the C programming language. Game programming requires substantial skill in software engineering. There are 7 phases a program goes through before the game is published. The first and important is prototyping. The programmer might write down some ideas and figure out the game plans and how the game would work. Is the game going to be multiplayer is the game going to be online ? The programmer would come up a concept. Next step would be the game design. Here the programmer might Collab with others to deign the characters the game scene. Programmers often follow closely the game design that they have set. As they code every line of the program they capabilities are discovered and exploited. During production the programmer may create a great deal of source code to create his game. They also might use free open source code so